Care Guide for Hermit Flower Beetle (Osmoderma eremicola)

Care Guide for Hermit Flower Beetle (Osmoderma eremicola)


The Hermit Flower Beetle (Osmoderma eremicola) is a fascinating and unique insect species to keep as a pet. Proper care is essential to ensure their well-being and longevity. This comprehensive care guide covers all the necessary aspects of keeping Hermit Flower Beetles in captivity.

Habitat Setup:

Enclosure/Tank: Hermit Flower Beetles are relatively large beetles and require a spacious enclosure to thrive. A glass or plastic terrarium with dimensions around 12x12x12 inches (30x30x30 cm) or larger is recommended for a pair or small group of beetles.

Substrate: Choose a substrate that replicates their natural habitat. A mix of coconut coir, peat moss, and decayed wood can work well. This substrate should be kept moderately moist to provide suitable humidity levels. It's important to avoid waterlogging the substrate as excessive moisture can lead to fungal growth.

Humidity: Maintaining proper humidity is crucial for Hermit Flower Beetles. Aim for a humidity level around 50-60%. Regularly mist the enclosure to keep the substrate moist but not soggy. You can use a hygrometer to monitor humidity levels accurately.

Decor and Hiding Spots: Provide various hiding spots and climbing surfaces within the enclosure. Pieces of bark, cork bark, or wooden branches can serve as hiding places and enrichment. These beetles are known to burrow, so ensure there's ample substrate depth for this behavior.

Temperature and Lighting:

Temperature: Hermit Flower Beetles thrive in a temperature range of 70-85°F (21-29°C). Keep the enclosure in a room with stable temperatures, and avoid sudden temperature fluctuations.

Lighting: These beetles are primarily nocturnal and do not require intense lighting. Ambient room lighting is usually sufficient. However, you can provide a low-wattage UVB light to simulate day-night cycles, which can positively influence their activity and behavior.


Primary Diet: Hermit Flower Beetles are saprophagous, which means they primarily feed on decaying organic matter like wood and leaves. Provide a variety of decomposing wood pieces (rotten oak, beech, or maple) and leaf litter in the enclosure.

Supplementary Diet: You can supplement their diet with other nutritious foods such as ripe fruits (bananas, apples), mashed vegetables (carrots, pumpkin), and occasionally a source of protein like well-cooked and finely chopped meat or insects (e.g., mealworms, crickets). Offer small quantities to prevent food spoilage.

Maintenance and Care:

Cleaning: Regularly remove any uneaten food and clean out moldy or damp substrate to prevent mold growth and maintain a healthy environment.

Handling: Hermit Flower Beetles are delicate insects, and excessive handling can stress them. Minimize handling to avoid unnecessary stress or injury. If you need to handle them, do so gently and with clean hands.


Breeding Hermit Flower Beetles can be a rewarding experience. To encourage breeding, provide a suitable environment with ample hiding spots, a variety of wood substrates, and optimal humidity and temperature conditions. Females will lay eggs in the substrate, and the larvae will develop through several stages before pupating. Research specific breeding techniques and requirements for this species if you're interested in breeding.


Providing proper care for Hermit Flower Beetles involves creating a habitat that mimics their natural environment, maintaining suitable humidity and temperature levels, and offering a diverse diet. Regular observation and maintenance are essential to ensure the well-being of these unique and captivating insects. Remember to continuously educate yourself about their specific needs and behaviors to provide the best possible care.